Screenshots of sample work are included here. More detailed images and/or multi-page pdfs are available to view by clicking the images or the button provided below.
Go-to-Market Framework
This is a simplified version of a product launch and marketing model. The framework examines:
• The size of the US market for a new retail product
• The competitive landscape and expected usage patterns
• Market growth projections for sales of hardware and consumables
• 2 different approaches to segmentation of the consumer market
• Preliminary revenue estimates
The images below are select pages from the model, as presented to the client. A pdf version of all images, with additional pages, can be accessed via the button.
1) Market Sizing - Total Addressable Market (TAM) Assessment
Determination of potential US market (in $MM) for new product

2) Competitive Analysis - Comparable Products and Their Use
Overview of competitive landscape and frequency/type of usage by consumers

3) Growth Potential - Differentiated Products and Revenue Streams
Estimated growth of the market, with separate forecasts for the initial product sale and ongoing sales of consumables

4) Market Segmentation - Analysis of Product vs. Consumer Groups
A basis for evaluating marketing and sales opportunities:
• By product type / components
• By target customer segments and occasion

5) Revenue Projections - Modeling Future Sales, 2 Approaches
• Scenario 1: Targeting operating income
• Scenario 2: Estimating market share growth rate

Marketing & Sales Funnel
An analysis of marketing economics and engagement, evaluating channel conversion rates for the top, middle, and bottom of the marketing funnel
• Goal: reduce leakage at the middle of funnel and increase flow rate to the bottom by 1.5x
Working Excel files for certain models are available to view or download. Request the password on the Contact page.